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Angas Valley SA 5238

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Angas Valley SA 5238

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LOTS 1, 2 3 & 4

LOT 1 - $275,000
165ha (407.72 acres). Cropping and grazing land, fenced into 2 stock proof paddocks. 1 x 5,000 gallon poly tank with a concrete stock trough. An old timber lined dry well. Two small patches of scrub, ideal for stock shade and shelter.

LOT 2 - $545,000
326ha (805.56 acres). Cropping and grazing land, fenced into 4 paddocks, top quality stock proof fencing. The property is watered from a bore, equipped with a windmill, a 3,000 gallon concrete tank with roof and a concrete stock trough. The windmill also pumps water to an adjoining paddock into a 1,000 gallon poly tank with a concrete stock trough. A small set of sheep yards. 2 patches of scrub, ideal for stock shade and shelter. A beautiful feature of the property is the gum lined “Saunders Creek” that runs through the land.

LOT 3 - $150,000
61.62ha (152.26 acres). Cropping and grazing land and an ideal parcel of country to suit a rural living / lifestyle buyer. Fenced into one paddock. An ideal residential building site, within a patch of scrub. A power pole at the site, an unequipped cased bore and a telecom cable to service a new residence. There is a house ruin, a besser block room, a raised barn and various other minor improvements.

LOT 4 - $525,000
197.4ha (487.78 acres). Excellent cropping and grazing land. Fenced into two paddocks. The property is watered from a bore, equipped with a windmill, a 5,000 gallon poly tank and 2 concrete stock troughs. A patch of scrub is ideal for stock shade and shelter. An excellent set of steel “Magnus” cattle yards with a crush and loading ramp.


Disclaimer: We the agent, make no guarantee the information is without mere errors and further that the purchaser ought to make their own enquiries and seek professional advice regarding the purchase. We the agent, are not the source of the information and we expressly disclaim any belief in the truth or falsity of the information. However, much care is taken by the vendor and our company to reflect the details of this property in a true and correct manner. Please note: neither the vendor nor our company accept any responsibility or liability for any omissions and/or errors. We advise that if you are intending to purchase this property, that you make every necessary independent enquiry, inspection and property searches. This brochure and floorplan, if supplied, are to be used as a guide only.


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