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Cambrai SA 5353

841 ac

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Cambrai SA 5353

841 ac

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4 Allotments Now Sold

Predominantly farming land with pockets of timbered country, combined with rural recreational living possibilities.

LOT 1: Section 198.—92.67ha (228.89 acres) - SOLD
The land is light grazing / cropping country with 3 areas of natural timbers positioned virtually in each of its northern corner boundaries and the south west corner of the title. An unused unequipped bore is on the land. There is a possibility of a remote S.A. Water supply

LOT 2: Section 195.—103.2ha (254.4 acres) - SOLD
Similar in its characteristics to Lot 1 and adjacent to it. It is mainly light grazing and cropping land with its timbered area being centred on the property.

LOT 3: Section 193.—97.12ha (239.9acres) - SOLD
The most scenic of the titles and suited for both secluded rural living / hobby farming with its backdrop of stunning natural vegetation combined with gently undulating sections of light mixed farming countryside. It has accessibility from two roads. Section 195 is on its western boundary with Section 194 on its eastern boundary. All boundaries are fenced.

LOT 4: Section 194.—140.4ha (347 acres) - SOLD
The largest of the 4 titles on offer, it is both the most productive from a farming view point, yet offers a great rural residential living opportunity with its gentle undulation, pockets of natural beauty, windmill equipped bore, scenery and accessibility from two roads. All boundaries are fenced.


Disclaimer: We the agent, make no guarantee the information is without mere errors and further that the purchaser ought to make their own enquiries and seek professional advice regarding the purchase. We the agent, are not the source of the information and we expressly disclaim any belief in the truth or falsity of the information. However, much care is taken by the vendor and our company to reflect the details of this property in a true and correct manner. Please note: neither the vendor nor our company accept any responsibility or liability for any omissions and/or errors. We advise that if you are intending to purchase this property, that you make every necessary independent enquiry, inspection and property searches. This brochure and floorplan, if supplied, are to be used as a guide only.


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