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Mannum SA 5238

600 m²

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Mannum SA 5238

600 m²

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Fantastic Value -

4 separate titles (Four - Sold ) of approximately 600m2 each, all with services and for sale well below capital value. You must read on to appreciate how good a buy these properties truly are.

If you have ever considered buying a residential block and wanted to ensure you get fantastic value for your dollar, you would have never seen better than this selection.
For your choice of these 4 separate allotments (Two - sold) in this growing River township you will need to be quick.

Step 1 - Take a look at the features and benefits
* S.A. water connected
* Power available
* Views of the river and countryside beyond from some
* Walk to the main street and river reserve
* Underground services.
* Unencumbered titles
* Near recreational facilities inc golf course and oval.
* Many with wide streets.
* Footpaths with gutters in place
* Bitumen streets
* High side of the street
* The PRICE (up to 25% below capital value)

Step 2 - Speak with us about the individual blocks and inspect to find the one that best suits you.

Step 3 - Select and buy your preferred property whilst
considering how you are going to benefit by owning it. Here are some suggestions
Build your first home
Build your next home
Build your retirement home
Build your investment home
Secure for future development
House and land package
Buy more than one and build your investment portfolio.

The release of these titles is a rare and very affordable
opportunity to get into or increase your interests in the property market.

You will be buying a ready to build on allotment, not off the plan where services and infrastructure have unknown time frames and restrictions can apply.
Don’t delay, buy now.

Allotment 54 - 600m2 - $49,000 SOLD
Allotment 58 - 590m2 - $49,000 SOLD
Allotment 59 - 590m2 - $49,000 SOLD
Allotment 62 - 600m2 - $49,000


Disclaimer: We the agent, make no guarantee the information is without mere errors and further that the purchaser ought to make their own enquiries and seek professional advice regarding the purchase. We the agent, are not the source of the information and we expressly disclaim any belief in the truth or falsity of the information. However, much care is taken by the vendor and our company to reflect the details of this property in a true and correct manner. Please note: neither the vendor nor our company accept any responsibility or liability for any omissions and/or errors. We advise that if you are intending to purchase this property, that you make every necessary independent enquiry, inspection and property searches. This brochure and floorplan, if supplied, are to be used as a guide only.


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