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3 Blocks Lane, Birdwood SA 5234

1179 m²

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3 Blocks Lane, Birdwood SA 5234

1179 m²

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Semi Secluded Residential Building Allotment

1179m2 semi secluded residential building allotment with a rural outlook. Serviced by two road frontages. Large brick shed 4.6 metres x 7.8 metres with concrete floor, 2 x secure dog kennels with yards, together with sheltered day yards. SA Water and meter connected, common effluent connection point. ETSA passes the property.

1,179m2. This special, residential, building allotment is located on the edge of the township and has an excellent rural feel about it. It offers privacy due to a screening hedge of Castlewellan Gold Cypress and Photinia Robusta, running along the main (bitumen) road boundary. Loquat, wild plums (yellow - great for jam) and nectarine are only some of the trees on this property. Vacant blocks of this size are almost a thing of the past in Birdwood, don’t miss the chance to grab this one.


Disclaimer: We the agent, make no guarantee the information is without mere errors and further that the purchaser ought to make their own enquiries and seek professional advice regarding the purchase. We the agent, are not the source of the information and we expressly disclaim any belief in the truth or falsity of the information. However, much care is taken by the vendor and our company to reflect the details of this property in a true and correct manner. Please note: neither the vendor nor our company accept any responsibility or liability for any omissions and/or errors. We advise that if you are intending to purchase this property, that you make every necessary independent enquiry, inspection and property searches. This brochure and floorplan, if supplied, are to be used as a guide only.


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