
148 Reach Road, SWAN REACH SA 5354

30.09 ha


148 Reach Road, SWAN REACH SA 5354

30.09 ha

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Fantastic Weekend Getaway

30.09ha (74 acres). Fantastic weekend getaway perfect for bikes, camping, exploring with facilities for many. 40ft x 20ft shed with kitchenette, bathroom, independent power and options. Mains water is connected to the property.

30.09ha (74 acres). A perfect weekend retreat ready for the entire family and a host of friends to enjoy. The land is unencumbered, meaning it is not restricted by land management or heritage agreements, making it ideal for bikes and other recreational pursuits. The land has a blend of natural mallee bush, pockets of condensed vegetation, gums and areas to enjoy and explore. A huge benefit of this property over and above others is the mains water connection. Not only does this mean not carting heavy containers of water just to get away, it gives the ability to grow trees, fruits, vegetables and water stock if you choose that option.

Measuring 40ft x 20ft, the steel framed shed has been fitted out to provide comfortable accommodation for many. This comes by way of a walk in, walk out option that includes multiple good bedding facilities and more. Fixtures include a gas hotplate in the kitchenette, a wood heater as a centrepiece and a bathroom area that is tiled, and has a shower with a gas hot water system. With a full concrete floor, lighting and an independent power supply, this structure and property provides a great getaway. Other sundries include a smaller lockable shed and old shelter/poultry runs.


Disclaimer: We the agent, make no guarantee the information is without mere errors and further that the purchaser ought to make their own enquiries and seek professional advice regarding the purchase. We the agent, are not the source of the information and we expressly disclaim any belief in the truth or falsity of the information. However, much care is taken by the vendor and our company to reflect the details of this property in a true and correct manner. Please note: neither the vendor nor our company accept any responsibility or liability for any omissions and/or errors. We advise that if you are intending to purchase this property, that you make every necessary independent enquiry, inspection and property searches. This brochure and floorplan, if supplied, are to be used as a guide only.


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